Mango Day ' 19 - ibex.

Mango Day ' 19

August 14,2019
2019 brings the bigger and better Mango Day for ibex employees to add lot of sweetness in their life The most loved ‘king of fruits’, Mango, is the best thing to happen in the hot summer seasons. So why not make life more exciting! Nothing can beat than relishing the fruit raw which makes savouring it to the taste buds like anything. Mango, which has already made its way to the people heart always made the environment more intriguing by all its yellow theme around from colorful yellow clothes to office decoration. ibex being the king of customer excellence always deliver the best service to everyone. We made sure to make the day was memorable for our employees by lots of fun activities. Starting with the sufficient stock of mangoes for everyone then we had some games arrange like finishing the mangoes in 1 minute which is always the steal of show for the crowd, all cheering up for their respective friends and helping them to win within the time. Not only the winner gets extra mangoes at office but also enjoy the grand prize filled with delectable mangoes for family. This year some instagram bloggers were invited to enjoy this day. Our rationale was to highlight the life of employee at this day , which was a great positive reciprocate by all of them as well with great interactive session about ibex followed with enjoying eating mangoes with lassi. #RahoCalmKhaoAam #ibexMangoFestival #KingOfFruit #ibexKingOfCustomerExcellence ibex will continue with happening events ahead to bring lots of ebullience to it’s employees.

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